MetKit offers quality metal and hydraulic parts and kits.
Precut steel and quality hydraulic components are our specialty!
We Carry Top of the Line Steel, Hydraulics, Engines and Accessories at the Lowest Possible Prices. |
Our Huge Selection and Massive Inventory Allows Fast Shipments! |
We are Specialists in Purchasing, Fabricating and Sourcing the Components You Need! |

Are you tired of looking for parts at retail stores just to find they don’t have the materials, sizes, shapes or features you want? Are you tired of high prices, low inventories and poor quality of most local suppliers? Well, so are we!
Over the past decade steel service centers and hydraulics suppliers have reduced their service and raised prices. |

After a long search for the right components, we have collected the necessary parts to make building machines easy.
Some steel suppliers refuse to sell to individuals - Not at MetKit.
We specialize in computer controlled flame cut steel parts (NO hand cut parts!), precision sawed steel, accurately drilled steel, high quality US made welded construction hydraulic cylinders and hose kits.
Plus we offer all of the accessories you need.
We are proud of the MetKit offerings shown on the following pages.
Copyright © 2000-2005: METKIT CORP - All Rights Reserved